Sunday, September 7, 2014

Balloon vehicle challenge

On Friday, September 5 ,2014 our class did the balloon vehicle challenge. During this challenge we had to design a self-propelled vehicle that will transport a passenger safely from point A to Point B and the vehicle must stay on the line the whole time. Our group kind of had a good idea of what to do. we figured since the vehicle had to go up the string then we can do a wind powered type design. The way we designed our vehicle was quite simple. We had one balloon and we attached a paperclip to the top as a zip lining mechanism so that it could get up the string, then for the passenger we had a Popsicle stick and put a rubber band around it and the balloon to serve as seat belt. lastly we cut the end of the balloon and attached a straw to it to project the air out. Sadly in the end our balloon vehicle did not work , it didn't even move but my group and i have learned from our mistakes and we know now how to build a better designed vehicle.

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